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Project Description:  Sponsored and initiated by the Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation (MLTPA), the CALREC Vision Project is working to highlight the essential, multi-benefit role that outdoor recreation plays in California.  In 2020, MLTPA convened and facilitated federal, state, and regional participants as an advisory committee which met over several months to produce the white paper "CALREC Vision: Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Outdoor Recreation in California" which is available for download below.

In 2021, the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force was sufficiently inspired by the white paper to task MLTPA with the establishment, convening, and facilitation of a Key Working Group to produce and deliver Key Actions 3.13 and 3.14 from California’s Wildfire & Forest Resilience Action Plan. This effort will include a joint strategy to improve access to sustainable outdoor recreation in accordance with action item #7 of a recent shared stewardship agreement between the U.S. Forest Service and the State of California - "Agreement For Shared Stewardship of California’s Forest and Rangelands" - which was executed in August of 2020.

MLTPA has been engaged with local and regional issues of sustainable recreation and collaboration in the Eastern Sierra since its inception, and provides technical support to a regional public/public sustainable recreation-based solution, the Eastern Sierra Sustainable Recreation Partnership.

Joint Strategy & Key Working Group - 2021 / 2022

The California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force tasked MLTPA with the convening and facilitation of a Key Working Group – the Sustainable Recreation / CALREC Vision Key Working Group (SRCRV) - to produce and deliver Key Actions 3.13 and 3.14 from California’s Wildfire & Forest Resilience Action Plan, which includes a joint strategy for sustainable outdoor recreation and wildfire resilience in California.  The effort was recognized with the Regional Forester’s Honor Award for Partnership of the Year from the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region. Please see below to download the Joint Strategy and for additional resources. 

Sustainable Outdoor Recreation & Wildfire Resilience

On March 8, 2023, the CA Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force published "California’s Joint Strategy for Sustainable Outdoor Recreation & Wildfire Resilience." Access the Task Force's webpage dedicated to Sustainable and Accessible Recreation and download the Joint Strategy.

California's Joint Strategy - Goals and Key Actions

MLTPA has prepared a document with the text of the four Goals and all of their Key Actions from "California’s Joint Strategy for Sustainable Outdoor Recreation & Wildfire Resilience." The Goals and their Key Actions can serve as the foundation for implementation efforts in front line communities.


The Sustainable Recreation/CALREC Vision Key Working Group (SRCRV) was awarded Partnership of the Year from the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region in recognition of their efforts to develop California’s Joint Strategy for Sustainable Outdoor Recreation and Wildfire Resilience.

Document LIBRARY

The Sustainable Recreation/CALREC Vision Key Working Group curated a document library of informing documents that are relevant to their work producing deliverables for the Task Force including a joint strategy for sustainable outdoor recreation in California. Click above to access the document library.


The purpose of the Task Force is to develop and implement an interagency framework for establishing healthy and resilient forests and communities that can withstand and adapt to wildfire, drought, and a changing climate. Review the Task Force’s web page and its Charter.


In 2021, California released a comprehensive action plan to reduce wildfire risk for vulnerable communities and accelerate action to combat climate change. Page 39 is entitled "Sustain and Expand Outdoor Recreation on Forestland", including Key Actions 3.13 and 3.14.

Shared Stewardship Agreement

On August 13, 2020, the State of California and the U.S. Forest Service announced a cooperative agreement to reduce wildfire risks and help the state meet its climate objectives including action item #7 to “Improve Access to Sustainable Recreation.”


The Confluence Accords are a bipartisan organization developing a national platform to grow the outdoor recreation industry, protect our nation’s wild places, and transform conservation into a driver for economic prosperity. “We are proving the great outdoors are our greatest resource.”


Governor Newsom advanced an executive order enlisting California’s vast network of natural and working lands – forests, rangelands, farms, wetlands, coast, deserts and urban greenspaces – in the fight against climate change to support California’s unique biodiversity. Click above to download.


Over several months in 2020, MLTPA convened and facilitated federal, state, and regional participants as an advisory committee which met and produced "CALREC Vision: Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Outdoor Recreation in California.”  Please see below to download the white paper along with access to additional information. 

CALREC Vision - White Paper 2020

"CALREC Vision: Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Outdoor Recreation in California" is the white paper produced through an effort sponsored by MLTPA, with thought leadership from a number of federal, state, and regional participants. Click above to download and review.

sign up for calrec vision communications

MLTPA sponsors CALREC Vision along with all CALREC Vision communications. Sign up for the CALREC Vision email list and receive news on all the latest events. You can also visit the CALREC Vision web page at


Download the USFS document known as "A Framework for Sustainable Recreation", a guiding document for the CALREC Vision that was originally published by the USFS in 2010 and referenced in the current Inyo National Forest Management Plan Revision process.

Public Comment: Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee

MLTPA submitted comments to the CA "Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee" as they considered a new "Climate Resilience Bond". Download the letter and four specific CALREC Vision recommendations tied to the Shared Stewardship Agreement between the State of California and the U.S. Forest Service.

Last updated September 4, 2024