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Members: 2013

The MLTPA Foundation is not a voting-membership organization, but we sure seem to have a lot of friends! MLTPA Members give whatever they can, whenever they can. To show our appreciation, we shower them with stickers, keep them up to date on all the latest developments in trails and public access issues here in the Mammoth Lakes region, and categorize their donations into the Greatest of Trail User Categories! Are you a "Single User," a "Shared User," a "Trailhead," a "Public Access," or a "Backcountry"? Make a tax-deductible donation today to find out!

Single Use: $1- $99

"Single-use" describes trails that have been designed and constructed for the exclusive use and benefit of one particular user group, such as a ski trail groomed with Nordic tracks, a mountain bike singletrack, or a snowmobile route.

Craig Galloway

Shared Use: $100-$249

"Shared use" describes trails that have been designed and constructed with the needs and desires of more than one user group in mind. These are quite common, often allowing, for example, hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers to use the same trail, or snowshoers and cross-country skiers.

Trailhead: $250-$499

"Trailhead" describes a planned, marked ingress/egress point or staging area from one zone to another -- traditionally, from in-town areas to public lands, or from public lands to wilderness areas.

Will Aldrich
Bill and Sheri Taylor

Public Access: $500-$749

How we get from "here" to "there"...deeded easements that secure public travel through a variety of jurisdictions.

Backcountry: $750-$999

"Backcountry" can mean anything from the back side of Mammoth Mountain to the pristine meadows of the John Muir Wilderness. These are the places where we all want to go!

MLTPA Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We do not sell, rent, or exchange our supporters' names.