RECSTRATS I: A Vision for Recreation in Mammoth Lakes - 2010

Project Description: At the July 7, 2010, Town Council meeting, MLTPA proposed to fund and convene a facilitated process, consistent with the Town’s “Recreation Vision and Policy Development” document, to articulate a vision for recreation in Mammoth Lakes and a strategic plan for its implementation. The process aimed to benefit interagency collaboration, direct the development of recreation infrastructure in the region, and inform the strategic implementation of Measures R and U. On July 21, 2010, the Town Council voted unanimously to move forward with and participate in what became known as RECSTRATS I. A complete list of process participants and outcomes is available in the RECSTRATS I final report, downloadable below. The RECSTRATS effort was a direct outcome of the “Mammoth Lakes Recreation 1.0” process, initiated by MLTPA and the Town of Mammoth Lakes in 2009. For more information, visit our “Mammoth Lakes Recreation 1.0” page.
Project Update: On Nov. 3, 2010, “RECSTRATS: A Vision for Recreation in Mammoth Lakes and a Strategic Plan for Its Implementation” was adopted by Town Council. Included in RECSTRATS I are a vision statement, guiding principles and seven core strategies. On Dec. 16, 2010, Town Council initiated a public process—with significant outreach to the community—to develop a RECSTRATS implementation policy, which came to be known as RECSTRATS II. The complete RECSTRATS II project archive is available here.
RECSTRATS I as Adopted by Town Council
"Mammoth Lakes Recreation: A Vision for Recreation in Mammoth Lakes and a Strategic Plan for Its Implementation”
MLTPA’s Original Proposal for RECSTRATS I
“The Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation proposes to convene a process to benefit the community of Mammoth Lakes and those agencies, commissions, stakeholders, and user groups with an interest in recreation in the Mammoth Lakes Region.” – July 7, 2010
Town Council Agenda Bill for RECSTRATS I
“Over the course of the year there have been a series of conversations about the Town's capacity and function with regards to Recreation and how it will be addressed in the future as the Tourism and Recreation Department is reorganized.” – July 7, 2010
Recreation Vision and Policy Development - June 16, 2010
"For the benefit of recreation in Mammoth Lakes, and the community’s quality of life and economic well being, the Town shall maintain through its commissions and staffing the capacity necessary to pursue its Recreation Vision, which is outlined by the following 5 principles..."
This page was updated on December 28, 2013 - 038_03_RECSTRATS