Sherwins Area Recreation Plan - 2009

Project Description: After nine months of dedicated effort and broad collaboration between March and November of 2009, the Sherwins Working Group (SWG) produced the Sherwins Area Recreation Plan, or SHARP, which details proposals for summer and winter recreation alternatives for implementation in the Sherwins area to the south of the town of Mammoth Lakes. SHARP also contains an overview of the SWG process and a series of appendices documenting the group's activities. For more information about the SWG members and process, please visit our Sherwins Working Group page. To download SHARP, please click the links below. File sizes are listed next to each file name; however, be mindful that some documents are large.
Project Status: SHARP was adopted by the Town of Mammoth Lakes as part of the Town's updated "Trail System Master Plan" in October of 2011. The programmatic CEQA analysis was completed with funding from a grant to the Town of Mammoth Lakes from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC). In the Summer of 2013, the first SHARP trail - #12B - was completed by volunteers working with the Summer of Stewardship Trail Days program and also in the summer of 2013, the Town contracted with the Inyo National Forest through a Challenge Cost Share Agreement using Measure R funds to begin the multi-year process to complete the environmental analysis necessary to begin building additional SHARP trails. In 2017, the Mammoth District Ranger authorized construction of two new trails in the Sherwins – the Mammoth Rock Trail Connector (SHARP ID S13) and the Meadow Trail Connector (SHARP ID S18) and the Town initiated contract efforts for field studies to inform NEPA and CEQA analysis on an additional 20+ SHARP projects.
Congratulations To The Sherwins Working Group!
Far West Ski Association's 2010 Jordan-Reily Award
On behalf of the Sherwins Working Group and SHARP, MLTPA CEO/Board President John Wentworth was recognized with the 2010 Jordan-Reily Award for achievements in ski-related public affairs. Austin McInerny accepted the award at the 2010 FWSA Conference on June 12, 2010 on behalf of the SWG.
Project Archive
SHARP Report
The Sherwins Area Recreation Plan is the final deliverable of the Sherwins Working Group process; it is intended for inclusion in the Trail System Master Plan and to serve as a resource document for any effort with an interest in trails and recreation infrastructure development in the Sherwins region.
SHARP Report with Appendices
For more information on the Sherwins Working Group process and the Sherwin Area Trails Special Study report, please review Appendices A through G.
SWG Summer Proposal and Map Only
The final draft of the SHARP Summer Narrative and Summer Proposal map, including concept, rationale, and notes.
SWG Winter Proposal and Map Only
The final draft of the SHARP Winter Narrative and Winter Proposal map, including concept, rationale, and notes.
SHARP Appendix A: SWG Process Narrative
Building on the success of the TSMP Update and the SATSS, the USFS, TOML, and MLTPA provided an opportunity for private citizens and interested parties to form an independent working group to develop winter and summer alternatives for trails, public access, and recreation facilities in the Sherwins.
SHARP Appendix B: SWG Charter with Signatures
The Sherwins Working Group is an independent, community based body of stakeholders. The primary goal is to develop a preferred alternative for public access for the SATSS area that provides for safe and environmentally responsible use.
SHARP Appendix C: SWG Attendance Record
Sherwins Working Group Attendance Record for Field Trips, Site Visits, Breakout Groups, and Study Sessions.
SHARP Appendix D: Complete SWG Meeting Records
This appendix contains all of the materials distributed, via e-mail or on site, for each full-group meeting, field trip/site visit, and breakout group/study session of the Sherwins Working Group.
SHARP appendix E: SWG Community Feedback Process
Maps and accompanying narratives were made available to the community at a variety of locations from September 11 to October 1, 2009, and interested parties were encouraged to submit feedback. Includes FAQ, Feedback Form, Webpage, Summer and Winter Proposals, and Final Feedback Compilation.
SHARP Appendix F: Additional Participant Comments
At their final full-group meeting on November 3, 2009 and via the post-meeting group e-mail, process facilitator Austin McInerny encouraged SWG members to submit additional comments or concerns about the Summer Proposal, Winter Proposal, or both for inclusion in SHARP.
SHARP Appendix G: SATSS Complete Report
This technical memo discusses the existing conditions data that Alta Planning & Design has obtained as part of the Sherwin Area Trails Special Study effort, and is being provided to augment the information presented in the SATSS Summer and Winter Existing Conditions maps.
PDFs for Home Printing
SHARP Report - No Maps
The Sherwins Area Recreation Plan is the final deliverable of the Sherwins Working Group process; it is intended for inclusion in the Trail System Master Plan and to serve as a resource document for any effort with an interest in trails and recreation infrastructure development in the Sherwins region.
SWG Summer Narrative - No Map
The final draft of the SHARP Summer Narrative, including concept, rationale, and notes.
SWG Summer Map Only
The final draft of the SHARP Summer Proposal map.
SWG Winter Narrative - No Map
The final draft of the SHARP Winter Narrative, including concept, rationale, and notes.
SWG Winter Map Only
The final draft of the SHARP Winter Proposal map.
Photo Galleries: How Did They Do It?
SWG members volunteered nearly 7,000 hours of their time to contribute toward the creation of SHARP. To see them in action, click on the photo gallery links below.
Winter Field Trip #1: March 21, 2009 (morning session)
Winter Field Trip #1: March 21, 2009 (afternoon session)
Winter Field Trip #2: April 4, 2009 (morning session)
Winter Field Trip #2: April 4, 2009 (afternoon session)
SWG Meeting #4: August 11, 2009
Western Field Trip: August 16, 2009
Eastern Field Trip: August 25, 2009
SWG Meeting #5: September 3, 2009
SWG Meeting #6: September 22, 2009
Last Updated January 26, 2024