Sherwins Working Group - 2009

Project Description: Building on the success of work completed as part of the Town of Mammoth Lakes Trail System Master Plan Update and the Sherwin Area Trails Special Study (SATSS), the United States Forest Service (USFS), the Town of Mammoth Lakes (TOML), and MLTPA invited the community to form an independent working group in the spring of 2009 to collaboratively identify a preferred alternative for trails, public access, and recreation facilities for implementation in the territory immediately to the south of the Town of Mammoth Lakes, best known simply as the Sherwins. The group came to be known as the Sherwins Working Group (SWG).
Seventy-one people attended at least one of the SWG's 26 total meetings, held between March and November 2009, with approximately 25 to 30 individuals making up the core work group. These community members represented a broad spectrum of recreation, business, and agency interests in the Sherwins area and worked intensely and collaboratively to craft the SWG's ultimate deliverable: seasonal recreation proposals for the Sherwins area to be delivered to the TOML and the USFS in the fall of 2009.
The group met its target date on November 3, 2009, coming to consensus on not only the Winter and Summer proposals, but also the accompanying framework document, preamble, and appendices. Collectively known as the Sherwins Area Recreation Plan, or SHARP, this document represents the road map for project implementation by the Inyo National Forest, the Town of Mammoth Lakes, and their partners. SHARP was adopted by the Town of Mammoth Lakes as part of the Town's updated "Trail System Master Plan" in October of 2011. The programmatic CEQA analysis was completed with funding from a grant to the Town of Mammoth Lakes from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC).
In the Summer of 2013, the first SHARP trail - #12B - was completed by volunteers working with the Summer of Stewardship Trail Days program and also in the summer of 2013, the Town contracted with the Inyo National Forest through a Challenge Cost Share Agreement using Measure R funds to begin the multi-year process to complete the environmental analysis necessary to begin building additional SHARP trails. In 2017, the Mammoth District Ranger authorized construction of two new trails in the Sherwins – the Mammoth Rock Trail Connector (SHARP ID S13) and the Meadow Trail Connector (SHARP ID S18) and the Town initiated contract efforts for field studies to inform NEPA and CEQA analysis on an additional 20+ SHARP projects.
Mammoth Lakes Recreation Grant Award - 2021
In December 2021, Mammoth Lakes Recreation was awarded two grants from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy totaling $1,460,000 to fund additional SHARP project implementation efforts. A $510,000 planning grant for SHARP Trails and Trailhead Expansion will fund the environmental analysis on approximately 20 miles of new trail and an expanded trailhead area. The second award is a $950,00 implementation grant for the Sherwins Trailhead to provide a paved parking area and several new amenities including a double vault toilet. Get the latest updates from Mammoth Lakes Recreation on their Sierra Nevada Conservancy Grant Updates Page.
Sherwins Area Recreation Plan (SHARP)
After nine months of dedicated effort between March and November of 2009, the Sherwins Working Group (SWG) produced the Sherwins Area Recreation Plan (SHARP) which details proposals for summer and winter recreation alternatives for implementation in the Sherwins area to the south of the town of Mammoth Lakes.
Sherwin Area Trails Special Study
In the fall of 2008, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and MLTPA, the Town of Mammoth Lakes (TOML) launched the Sherwin Area Trails Special Study, or SATSS, to identifies options for trails within its defined study area and options for recreational uses and/or activities.
Trail System Master Plan
The Trail System Master Plan (TSMP) was adopted by the Mammoth Lakes Town Council on October 19, 2011 along with the certification of its EIR. The TSMP updated the Town’s 1991 Trails Plan and is the result of the Concept and Master Planning, or CAMP, process initiated by MLTPA in 2007.
Mammoth Rock Trail Connector Trail - SHARP ID S13
This classic rolling contour trail was constructed in the summer of 2017 and provides amazing views of the region. The trail climbs gently from the Sherwins Trailhead, meandering along a glacial morain ridge for about one mile and connects with the Mammoth Rock Trail.
Meadow Trail Connector - SHARP ID S18
This hand sculpted rolling contour trail was constructed in the summer of 2017 and provides a scenic and fun way to experience one of the most interesting landscapes in the area. The trail connects the Mammoth Rock Trail with Kerry Meadow through beautiful forests and along scenic ridgelines for about two miles.
Sherwins Working Group Blog
MLTPA established a blog to assist with SWG efforts over the course of the project. It served as a useful tool for setting up field trips and between-session meetings, as well as for general discussion amongst members of SWG and agency partners.
Meeting #8: Tuesday, November 3, 2009: Westin Hotel, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Meeting #8 agenda
Meeting #8 draft summary
SHARP Outline, 10/30/09
SHARP preamble,_10/30/09
Winter Narrative: Group Revised Draft,_10/28/09
Summer Narrative:_Group Revised Draft,_10/28/09
Winter Map,_10/30/09
Summer Map,_10/30/09
Meeting #8 photo gallery
Meeting #7: Tuesday, October 13, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch; 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Meeting #7 agenda
Meeting #6 draft summary
Community Feedback Compilation, 10/07/09
Winter Concerns
Summer Concerns
Dog Concerns
USFS Feedback Primer
Meeting #7 photo gallery
SHERWINS WORKING GROUP COMMUNITY FEEDBACK PROCESS: In the fall of 2009, from September 11 through October 1 and in between their regular meetings, the SWG offered the community an opportunity to review their work efforts to date and to provide feedback via a "Sherwins Working Group Community Feedback Process." The SWG had already been hard at work for about five months crafting draft proposals for summer and winter recreation opportunities in the Sherwins area and felt the timing was ripe for community input and feedback.
Community Feedback Compilation, 10/07/09
Winter Concerns
Summer Concerns
Dog Concerns
USFS Feedback Primer
Meeting #6: Tuesday, September 22, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch; 4 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Meeting #6 Agenda
Meeting #6 photo gallery
Meeting #5: Thursday, September 3, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch; 4 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Meeting #4 draft summary
Winter Narrative_(rev. 08/28/09)
Summer Narrative_(rev. 08/27/09)
Meeting #5 agenda
Meeting #5 photo gallery
Eastern Field Trip: Tuesday, August 25, 2009: Eastern section of study area
Eastern Field Trip notes
Eastern Field Trip photos
Western Field Trip: Sunday, August 16, 2009: Western section of study area
Western Field Trip notes
Western Field Trip map
Western Field Trip photos
Meeting #4: Tuesday, August 11, 2009: Mammoth Lakes Library Ellie Randol Reading Room; 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Meeting #4 Agenda
Meeting #2 Draft Summary (06/16/09)
Meeting #3_Draft Summary_(07/14/09)
Volunteer Work Group 1 Meeting 1 Notes, Winter (07/21/09)
Volunteer Work Group 2 Meeting_1 Notes, Winter (07/22/09)
Volunteer Work Group 1 Meeting_2 Notes, Summer (07/28/09)
Volunteer Work Group 2 Meeting_2 Notes, Summer (07/29/09)
Notes from SWG Field Trip with Greg Norby (07/22/09)
Meeting #4 Photo Gallery
Meeting #3: Tuesday, July 14, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch; 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Meeting #3 Agenda
Meeting #2 Draft Summary (06/16/09)
Activities List_(06/25/09)
Definition of Terms
Draft Planning and Decision Criteria
Summer Opportunity Zones, Group 2
Combined Group Summer Opportunity Zone Descriptions
Trail System Master Plan Trail Facility_Types_(07/15/09)
Meeting #3 Photo Gallery
Meeting #2: Tuesday, June 16, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch (old Sherwin's Restaurant); 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Meeting #2 Agenda
SWG Charter_(revised 05/09/09)
Meeting #1 Draft Summary (05/05/09)
Outdoor Activities List
Draft Opportunity Zones Criteria
SWG Process Description (revised 06/16/09)
Meeting #2 Photo Gallery
Meeting #1: Saturday, May 9, 2009: Ellie Randol Reading Room at the Mammoth Lakes Library; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Meeting #1 Agenda
SWG Charter
SWG Process Description
Meeting #1 Photo Gallery
Winter Field Trip #2: Saturday, April 4, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
SWG flyer
SWG press release
SWG Process Outline
SWG workshop comments transcript (04/04/09)
Winter Field Trip #2 Photo Gallery (9 a.m. session)
Winter Field Trip #2 Photo Gallery (2 p.m. session)
Winter Field Trip #1: Saturday, March 21, 2009: Sierra Meadows Ranch, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
SATSS Working Group flyer
SATSS Working Group press release
SATSS Working Group Process Outline
SATSS Working Group workshop comments transcript (03/21/09)
Winter Field Trip #1 Photo Gallery (9 a.m. session)
Winter Field Trip #1 Photo Gallery (2 p.m. session)
USFS Reference Materials
Hayden Cabin Special Use Permit – Coming Soon
Sierra Meadows Ranch Special Use Permit 06/15/04 (15.4M)
Excerpts from Inyo Land Resource Management Plan (LRMP) (1.1M)
Snowcreek Land Exchange Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (21.5M)
Snowcreek Land Exchange Covenant (472K)
USFS Winter Recreation Needs Assessment Survey 02/05 (1.4M)
Town of Mammoth Lakes Reference Materials
East Open Space Stream Corridor (East OSSC) Planning Study Book 07/31/08 (10.5M)
Snowcreek Neighborhood District Plan (final)_04/08/09 (24.1M)
Revised Snowcreek VIII Master Plan (28.9M)
Snowcreek Master Plan Draft EIR 04/81 (3.5M)
Sherwin Area Trails Special Study (SATSS)
Visit our SATSS page.
SATSS Outline of Comments, Concerns, and Topics
Avalanche Report for "The Bluffs" 05/97 (760K)
Motocross Event Operating Plan 2008 (812K)
Motocross Event Special Use Permit 06/08 (600K)
Town of Mammoth Lakes Surveys
Mammoth Summer Survey Report 01/08 (1.9M)
Mammoth Winter Survey Report 10/07 (1.3M)
MLTPA Reference Materials
MLTPA GIC Points Specific to SATSS (10.3M)
MLTPA Trails MOU with Regional Partners 10/03/08 (2.9M)
Sherwin Area Outdoor Recreation Activities List
PHOTOS: MLTPA has prepared these photo galleries from four of Mammoth Lakes' peer resources.
Banff, Alberta
Park City, Utah
Sun Valley, Idaho
Whistler, British Columbia
Last Updated: August 8, 2023