Oct. 20: MLTS Grand Opening, Panorama Dome

Sponsored by MLTPA, Friends of the Inyo, and Old New York Deli & Bagel Co.!
Project Description: To celebrate the Grand Opening of the Mammoth Lakes Trail System, we're throwing a special end of season Trail Stewardship day at Panorama Dome! The USFS timber thinning operation is going to be complete meaning that we can finish the connection of the Panorama Mountain Bike Trail to the Lakes Basin Path, install new MLTS logos onto the bollards and mileage markers on the Lakes Basin Path, and take on trail restoration and clean up efforts on the Dome to get ready for next summer! Pitch in with Friends of the Inyo, MLTPA, and the Inyo National Forest to perform trail maintenance, restoration, and rehabilitation. We'll meet at the Twin Lakes Vista parking lot and then stage up nearby for a breakfast by Old New York Deli & Bagel Co. and a brief safety talk/work assignments. A grab-and-go sandwich lunch will be provided!
- When: Saturday, October 20, 8:00 a.m.
- Where: Meet at the Twin Lakes Vista parking lot where you'll get directions to the white pop-up tent for a bagel breakfast, safety talk and work assignments.
- What: Head out with the trail-care crews for a variety of trail maintenance and rehabilitation efforts then back to the tent for a grab-and-go sandwich lunch.
- Who: Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome! Please dress for trail work: sturdy, close-toed shoes, hat, long pants and a long-sleeve shirt. Gloves and tools provided.
- 30 volunteers
- 10 staff (FOI, MLTPA and the INF)
- 150 total volunteer hours (a $3,127.50 value!)
- 2 trees/logs removed from trail
- 5280 feet of trail maintained
- 2000 feet of new trail constructed
- 2 switchbacks constructed
- 3 miles of trail monitored
- 45 pounds of trash removed
- 12 visitor contacts
- 4 trail structures maintained
- 5 trail structures built
- Lots of fun had by all!
Click here to view photos from the event.
Click here to download the event flyer.
Ad Clip "The Sheet" October 13, 2012
Ad Clip "The Sheet" October 20, 2012