North Old Mammoth Road District Special Study
Project Description: "The intent of this District Plan is to reinforce this core community area as a desirable place for residents as well as visitors to live, shop, and recreate, reducing the dependency on the automobile. The goal of creating a walkable community underlies the District Plan -- encouraging pedestrian oriented uses as destinations, and supported by residential clusters connected to the destinations. The goal of maintaining a mountain town character is important to a premier mountain resort town and the many elements that make up the mountain character, including the forest, access to views and sun, conditions for snow removal and snow melt, and architectural style and streetscape character, are defined by the District Plan. Finally, to be a successful District, it must be economically viable. The North Old Mammoth Road District can build upon its existing development and create a 'Town Center' appealing to both residents and visitors with a mix of uses, including residential and lodging with conference facilities, to support the retail." – from "Executive Summary: District Intent"
MLTPA North Old Mammoth Road GIC Points (3MB)
GIC Points on Old Mammoth Road identified, mapped and documented by MLTPA for the North Old Mammoth Road District Special Study.