Snowcreek VIII Master Plan

Project Description: Snowcreek VIII will be the largest single real estate development project in Mammoth Lakes to date and will play a significant role in defining the interface between the Town of Mammoth Lakes and U.S. Forest Service lands along the Town’s southern boundary. "The Master Plan Update allows for development of 790 residential Dwelling Units, a Resort Hotel including 250 Resort Hotel Rooms/Suites...150 Private Residence Club units and up to 75,000 square feet of non-residential uses on a total of approximately 237 acres." – Snowcreek Master Plan Update, 2007
MLTPA Comments for Town Council
MLTPA prepared a complete package of specific and actionable comments for Town Council as it considered the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan. Town Council voted unanimously to include all of MLTPA’s final comments in the final Conditions of Approval (COA) for the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan. This includes immediate, permanent protection for public egress from the Sherwins Range and long-term connections to area trails. Take the time to cross-reference MLTPA’s comments with the COA by using the reference numbers cited in MLTPA’s comments and matching them to the item numbers in the COA. (The numbered conditions begin with Section 7 on page 17 of the COA document.)
Download and review MLTPA’s final Snowcreek VIII comments as developed with Chadmar, the project applicant, here.
Download and review MLTPA’s original Snowcreek VIII comments here.
Download and review the original Conditions of Approval for Snowcreek VIII, as approved by the Planning Commission, here.
Download the agenda for the July 1, 2009 Town Council meeting here.
Download and review the Agenda Bill for the July 1, 2009 Town Council meeting (Agenda Item #6) that opened the public hearing on the Snowcreek VIII project here.
By voting to include the complete package of MLTPA comments in the Conditions of Approval for the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan, Town Council ensured that critical points of connectivity, public access, and feet-first mobility infrastructure will be part of an approved Snowcreek VIII project.
Want to thank Town Council for supporting MLTPA’s comments and making sure that they were included in the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan? Click on the links below to send an e-mail to individual councilmembers.
Mayor Neil McCarroll:
Mayor Pro Tem John Eastman:
Councilmember Jo Bacon:
Councilmember Skip Harvey:
Councilmember Wendy Sugimura:
Snowcreek VIII Master Plan Documents
Download and review the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan for yourself right here (28.9M).
On May 27, 2009, MLTPA submitted its initial comments on the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan to the Town of Mammoth Lakes. Download and read them here.
More Resources:
Be sure to visit our Snowcreek Neighborhood District Plan (NDP) page and review this important document, which played a key role in the conversation about and approval of the Snowcreek VIII Master Plan.
Review the Draft Environmental Report for the Snowcreek VIII project at our Snowcreek VIII DEIR page, along with MLTPA's comments on the DEIR.
Check out our Sherwin Area Trails Special Study (SATSS) page for complete information on this important study by the TOML for trails and recreation planning in the Sherwins area.
Please visit our Sherwins Working Group page to get all the background information on this important collaborative effort by local citizens and interested parties – working with the USFS, TOML, and MLTPA – to develop a preferred alternative for trails and recreation amenities and infrastructure in the Sherwins area.
The Sherwins Area Recreation Plan (SHARP) is in the final deliverable from the Sherwins Working Group and was adopted as part of the Town's Trail System Master Plan in 2011. Please vist our SHARP page for more information.
Snowcreek Master Plan VIII (30MB)
Snowcreek Master Plan for the Town of Mammoth Lakes.
Conditions of Approval - Snowcreek Master Plan VIII (216KB)
Original conditions of approval for the Snowcreek Master Plan VIII as approved by the Town of Mammoth Lakes Planning Commission.
MLTPA comments - Snowcreek Master Plan VIII - May 27, 2009 (2MB)
In May of 2009, MLTPA provided comments to the Town of Mammoth Lakes on the Snowcreek Master Plan VIII.
MLTPA comments - Snowcreek Master Plan VIII - July 1, 2009 (110KB)
On July 1 of 2009, MLTPA provided final comments to the Town of Mammoth Lakes on the Snowcreek Master Plan VIII.
MLTPA comments - Snowcreek Master Plan VIII - July 8, 2009 (140KB)
On July 8 of 2009, MLTPA provided final comments to the Town of Mammoth Lakes on the Snowcreek Master Plan VIII with amendments developed with Chadmar, the project applicant.
Town Council Agenda - July 1, 2009 (111KB)
Complete Town Council Agenda for July 1, 2009
Town Council Agenda Bill -Item #6 (188KB)
Agenda Bill for the July 1, 2009 Town Council meeting (Agenda Item #6) which opened the public hearing on the Snowcreek VIII project.